Saturday, January 18, 2014

You are what you eat - so don´t be fast, cheap, easy or fake (Summary January 11-18th)

As I announced in one of my last post, in 3 months on April 4, I´ll be a thirty-one-year-old lady...

Three months.... this space is exactly 90 days (13 weeks). As you read in my New Year Resolutions, for reaching successfully your goals you have to break your goal into small steps.
As mine is to reach a healthy body shape, I think the first step is to focus on these ninety days.....90 days are a reasonable time frame and enough time for a visible body change.

We are now in week 2!! Since the day after christmas I dropped 6 pounds so far and it´s goes on...

But the most postive aspect, which I realized this week was the benefit of clean eating:

Besides my happiness of dropping further weight I see further changes. In the past (before my lifestyle change) I ate, when I was hungry or bored or stressed: When I feel my empty stomach, I ate something. I changed this habit completely. I have fixed times, when I eat and I focus on WHAT food I eat on WHICH time.

The advantage of this fixed times is, that your body knows exactly, when he´ll gets the next meal and the energy. And you can avoid all candies besides these stated hours. I also try to eat only carbs for breakfast. When I fall off track and eat more carbs than do myself good, I get immediately indigestion problems. When I´m back on track, this problem has blown off (in the true sense of the word) and I don´t feel myself like I ate a balloon

Another advantage is, that you have a new body feeling and you feel more shaped. Nothing wobbles anymore :o)  In the morning I feel some abs when I have an empty stomach. This wasn´t imaginable a few months ago.
Furthermore, my skin is more clearly and looks healthier than before my clean eating. I don´t have any pimples anymore.
Finally, I have got really more power and I didn´t have a 'low point' at the afternoon. 

As you know, I bought this week some new fitness apparel. My goal is it to wear only some sport bras with tights while looking amazing....   

Currently I love to cook and to try some new healthy receips.
On my facebook site, I posted today a HOW TO DO - receipes:

Stay healthy, eat clean and stay tuned!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Train like a beast - look like a beauty (Sports Apparel Haul)

Gym memberships and home gyms continue to become more popular with the passage of time. Sometimes motivation to get to a gym is simply about feeling comfortable in the right sports apparel. Whether attending a new yoga class or enjoying a routine workout on the treadmill, wearing the right sports apparel increases both comfort and style at the gym. Further, the best sports apparel for gym workouts is both supportive and flexible to the wearer.

The following pictures shows you an overview of my sport apparel. (The items with a blue star were recently bought). Do you see, that I´m addicted to NIKE? O:)

So, what exactly do you need?

Sports Bra
The sports bra is one of the most important pieces of sports apparel that a woman purchases. Sports bras provide support and motion control, while keeping the breast tissue safe from damage. Further, sports bras often help prevent back injuries. A good-fitting sports bra fits more snug than a regular bra, but should not restrict breathing or movement.

Shirts and Tanks 
Athlete should also invest in a quality tank top or shirt made specifically for the gym. While these items come in a variety of styles, the tank top or shirt should allow the skin to breathe and maximise movement. Further, the best shirts and tank tops for gym workouts are made out of wicking material, regulate body temperature, and are often anti-bacterial. Athlete interested in viewing their muscles while they work out, or those who get hot quickly, should opt for less fabric in a tank-top.

Shorts and Pants
The best sports apparel bottoms for gym workouts are fitted and flexible to help maximise movement. Sports apparel bottoms range from shorts, to capris, to full pant-length options. Shorts and skirts are also a popular trend at the gym, depending on the workout. Athlete should choose shorts and pants that are made from materials such as spandex, mesh, nylon, or other moisture-resistant materials.

Athletic Shoes
Proper athletic shoes are also of utmost importance when working out at the gym. Proper athletic shoes should conform to the shape of an individual's foot and provide ample support. For consumers who participate in various activities and utilise various machines at the gym, the athletic shoe should cover all bases. While a athlete does not need to pick an athletic shoe that is not visually pleasing, picking a shoe with the right flexibility, arch support, and material should be of equal importance.
I use my Nike Free´s only for gym/fitness - for running I use my Brooks Adrenaline GTS13

Outdoor Running Jacket
Every summer we like to remind runners how important it is to be visible to others sharing the road. Runners, cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts will find a wide selection of quality name brand apparel and illuminating gear offering real solutions to low visibility in limited and no light conditions. Neon and hi-viz colors are statistically proven to increase the range of visibility during the day. Retro-reflective patterns and reflective zippers, trim, logos and details project additional visibility as you continue your workout into the night.

In street clothes visibility is limited to about 200 feet in dark conditions. Most reflective and hi-viz apparel adds 1000+ feet of visibility, by adding a simple strobe light or flashing LED you enhance your profile even more. Don't wait for an accident to happen, be proactive and put safety first!

Stay healthy and train like a beast with the right apparel!!!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Summer bodys are made in winter (Summary January 4-10th)

As I announced in my last post, in 3 months on April 4, I´ll be a thirty-one-year-old lady...

Three months.... this space is exactly 90 days (13 weeks). As you read in my New Year Resolutions, for reaching successfully your goals you have to break your goal into small steps.
As mine is to reach a healthy body shape, I think the first step is to focus on these ninety days.....90 days are a reasonable time frame and enough time for a visible body change.

I took also initially some before-pictures of my body, I weighed and measured myself.

As a summary, the most time of my nutrition was on target. I didn´t had any cheat meal - that´s the point I´m very proud of. :o)

On my facebook site, I posted some HOW TO DO - receipes:

As also mentioned, I bought some new sport apparel - new post is in progress.... stay tuned!

But I have to be honest, I have to strengthen my will and to do more workout. The everyday work had a lock on me last week :-( After finishing my work at 8.30 pm after a long day I didn´t have any power for some training. But only with the combination of workout AND the right nutrition I will succeed.

What do you think about my HOW TO DO - receipes? Do you like it?

Stay healthy and eat clean!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Starting healthy and sporty in 2014

My dear follower,

hope, you started healthy and without a hangover into New Year. :-)

In the first days of this new year I did some cleansing days (which I also did in summer 2013) with a lot of green tea, water, simple vegetable stock and rice cakes. It´s like an detoxification for your body, because you drink rd. about 3-4 liters (1 gallon) a day. When I did this the last time, I noticed, that dropping pounds was more easily. In this 4 days I dropped 4 pounds (2 kg) - with a remark, that water was the most of the weight loss.

Yesterday was January 4th. Now you think, okay, that´s not a special day.... you´re absolutely right! Excerpt the fact, that in exactly 3 months on April 4, I´ll be a thirty-one-year-old lady... :-)

Three months.... this space is exactly 90 days (13 weeks). As you read in my New Year Resolutions, for reaching successfully your goals you have to break your goal into small steps.
As mine is to reach a healthy body shape, I think the first step is to focus on these ninety days.....90 days are a reasonable time frame and enough time for a visible body change. (One of the most famous workout programs has also a duration of 90 days... see P90x of

I created for my own progress documentation my own fit book (in the style of this fitbook).
(Note: normally I would buy it, but the delivery time was too long from the States to Germany until New Year's Day).

Spurred on the before-after progress pics on the web (which can be found in droves these days), I took also initially some before-pictures of my body, I weighed and measured myself. As I also promised to stand out against the background of my blog and to be more visible for my readers I´ll show you some of my progress pictures.

To be honest, it´s really a difficult step for me to show you my pics, because I feel ashamed, how I lost self control over my body in the past years and I couldn´t believe how difficult the way is to come back to a shaped body. Although, 2013 was a sporty year for me (incl. participating in a half marathon and dropping 20 pounds), I still don´t feel comfortable in my body.

On November 2012 I started this blog with 205 pounds, now I´m at 185 pounds, my goal weight is between 143 and 154 pounds... (I´m 5'10'') - so you see there are at least 30 more pounds to drop. But I don´t only want to drop the weight to see the number on my scale, but more I would like to shape my body with lean muscles.

Currently I´m size 14 (starting on size 16-18) and at the end I want to have a 8-10.

For reaching my goal, I created a training plan and a nutrition plan with some essential supplements.

- 3x weight lifting,
- HIIT and
- 2x cardio/running
- thinking of adding P90x :-)

- after getting up: multivitamin supplements
- breakfast:(CARBS+PROTEINS) oatmeal, whey, milk, cinneamon and some berries or rice cake, no-fat cream cheese, chicken breast and cheese
- snack: 1 apple
- lunch:(CARBS+PROTEINS) rice, lean meat or fish and a lot of vegetable
- snack: some almonds
- pre-workout: BCAA + L-Carnitine
- post-workout: BCAA + Glutamine
- dinner:(NO CARBS) salad with egg and tuna or lean meat with a lot of vegetable
- before sleeping: whey

On my facebook page I´ll try to show you some receipes, nutrition and workout pics and as a weekly summary a new post on this blog here....

Let´s get started...!!! Wheeeoooo! :-)

As a good starting motivation I ordered some gym apparel - the next post will follow soon.

Stay healthy and -importantly- tuned....