Wednesday, November 28, 2012

One more cornerstone

After a strength-sapping weekend I have now enough time for my next post.

On Sunday I got a surprising mail including a wedding invitation of my colleague (and also a good friend of mine) Susi. The wedding will be end of May 2013. That's exactly in 6 months!!

via pinterest 

That's so exciting!! My last attendance of a wedding was 23 years ago!! As a little fashion-conscious girl one of my first thoughts was: "Aaah, what should I wear?!"
The wedding will be on May, 25. So normally it'll be a warm summer day in Germany - I think a dress is the right choice.
But from the current point of view, this choice will also have a catch.... It's not the problem of having NO dress. All of them doesn't fits me and I do not have a well-shape body for wearing a dress. But I have 6 more months to change this situation!!
So this will be my forth cornerstone of 2013: looking good on my friend's wedding.

Here is an overview of all my four cornerstones 2013:
  • On May, 5 there will be in my home town a 10K city run (5x2km)
  • On May, 25 there will be the wedding of my friend: looking good in wearing a dress is the mission.
  • On July, 28 there will be the premiere for a participation in a triathlon
    (short distance/olympic distance)*
  • On September, 22, there will be also a 10K city run.

To keep on the progress I went to my Zumba class on Monday.
After this sporty hour I lost 627 kcal... That's the beginning of shaping.
On my today's schedule will be a intervall training on the treadmill.
Dear fat - say goodbye to my body!!! :o)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Start Running

I have one older brother, who is really a experienced runner of the half-marathon distance.
For shame, I have to tell you, that the only distance which I made during a competition was a 5K on 2009 with a lots of breaks for taking breath....

As you see, you can´t call me a endurance athlete, because my fitness level didn´t raised up in the last time.
After consultation and some more discussions he gave me the bible of a running god (his quote): Herbert Steffny. I have to train with persistence to run 30 min without a break (step-by-step), and after that I can try a 5K and a 10K-Training.

As announced in my last post, I want to finish all three cornerstones in 2013. The first cornerstone will be on May 5 with a 10K run.
So I picked my calendar 2012/2013 up and made a detailed schedule for a healthy training of getting fit.

My training plan looks as follows (until April 7, 2013):

via pinterest

Monday - Zumba (unless it is school vacations)
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Running (in winter: on treadmill / in summer: outside along the next river)
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Running
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Running and/or Zumba Masterclass (once a month)

If I getting nervous on my rest-days it´s up to me to do some more sports like swimming, or go mountain biking or anything else.

My first plan is to run 30min without any walking break. This should be possible in the first week of January. Please keep your fingers also crossed for me!

Should I - or shouldn´t I?

Yesterday I took a closer look at my sport plan where I scheduled my plan of training and my progress.
Normally I should went to the gym for a small (but -certainly- essential) training on the treadmill.

But after coming home for a long working day with overtime I met a little devil and a litte angel on each side of my shoulder. The devil said "Come on, stay at home, because it´s getting late and the way to the gym (round about 8km) isn´t be worth for a training of 30 minutes!"  My angel said (with a wagging finger): "If you shouldn´t go to the gym - You won´t have success with your plans of body transformation!! Come on! Make yourself an effort and go. You only have to pick up your sport bag and move your ass into the car."

After thinking a long time, which one I want to give my blessing, I decided to clean up the flat and made a compromise: Implementing the training part of yesterday in my today´s training!!

Both of them were satisfied and this plan shut them up! :o)

Nevertheless, I hope, that this wouldn´t wake up my bastard inside of me!!

On the weekend I´ll be off for a visit of my parents-in-law and I´ll come back on Sunday, where the next training session will be....!! Looking forward to my next Zumba Session on Monday!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tasting sweat! – Part I

A few weeks ago I decided to try Zumba. Zumba is a fast and sweaty dance fitness program with some salsa, samba, merengue, bollywood and latin moves. The first hours was just testing these new kind of body moving – and it was quite funny although I didn´t know the choreography and the right moves very well.

But from time to time I improved myself and getting better.
So I did the choice of making Zumba to a routine. Every Monday evening I participate in.
Two days ago (on Monday)  I checked additionally my heart rate and the consumption of kcal with my heart rate monitor … and was really astonished: I burned 722 kcal in just one hour!! But I also have to tell you, that my average heart rate was 156!! But I felt great…. Also the day after!

via pinterest

Did I mentioned yet, that I additionally took part in a Zumba Masterclass on Sunday?
The Zumba Masterclass is a advanced Zumba Class, which takes two hours with two different instructors. The first hour was with our regular zumba instructor. And the second one was with a male professional salsa-merengue-latin-dance instructor. I didn´t know where I have to take my breath (...and he his condition!)! That was so heavy – but I did it!! After that I was tired, but very very happy!
I signed in for the next Zumba Masterclass on December 8. I´m really excited, which instructor will take the second hour.


I have a confession to make: I have been the biggest slacker in terms of fitness in the last few weeks, months, years ...

When I was a child I did a lot of sports: classical ballett, swimming, and gymnastics. In my spare time I played always outside with my friends.

But now? I´m getting chubby and chubbier and that really sucks! 
Quite frankly the reason for that being that my gym has definitely not seen enough of me lately and late-night (and wrong) snacks while studying or watching TV has been filled my stomach a few too many times. 

To make a picture of me: I´m female, 29 years old, engaged and work as a full-time assistant in the south region of germany (between Stuttgart and Munich). Besides my office job I do a study in general management as a distance learning class. And finally, my Body Mass Index is 28 (yes, twentyeight!)

Well, it’s all about to change!!

I am determined to get back to my old healthy self in the next few weeks and months. On April 2013 (in 4 months) I´m getting 30 and that will be my first cornerstone to recheck my fitness path.  

The other cornerstones 2013 will be:
  • On May, 5 there will be in my home town a 10K city run (5x2km)
  • On July, 28 there will be the premiere for a participation in a triathlon
    (short distance/olympic distance)*
  • On September, 22, there will be also a 10K city run.
*Short Distance will be 500m Swim, 20K Bike, 5K Run
  Olympic Disciplin: 1,5K Swim, 40K Bike, 10K Run

Maybe some of you feel the same way and that’s why I thought I would share some of the things on my to-do list.

  • I´m overweight. To get in a normal space of weight I have to loose at least 15 - 20 kg.
  • Workout at least 3-5 times a week
  • I have to train to run 30min, 5K, 10K without a break
  • Reducing the sweets in general and especially in the late evening
  • Asking myself: Am I really hungry or just bored?
  • Drinking a lots of water and unsweeted tea: at least 2 liters.

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If you guys like my posts like this, I’d be happy to share some of my workout routines, favorite music for motivation or more healthy meals. I am by no means an expert in the department, but I always love hearing what works for others. Just let me know in the comments. Also, I’d love to hear what you guys do to stay active and healthy!!