Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year´s Resolution 2014

With the new year just around the corner, now’s the time to start thinking about your 2014 resolutions.
We all know the drill: we start the year with good intentions, motivated and completely focused on what we want to achieve. Yet, how many of us actually keep our new year’s resolutions past January? A study found that 52% of resolution-makers were confident that they’d achieve their goals, yet only 12% succeeded.

The secret to keeping your new year’s resolutions
So, what’s the secret? The success is to plan ahead, identified a single resolution, set step-by-step goals, tracked their progress and made their commitment known publicly.

Plan ahead

Don’t wait until the new year to think about your resolution. Last minute decisions tend to be based on what is on your mind at that time. Instead, take some time now and reflect upon what you really want to achieve.

Identify one resolution only

Once you’ve really thought about what it is you want to accomplish in 2014, it is important you narrow it down to only one resolution. Many people often make the mistake of trying to achieve too much. The chances of success are greater when people channel their energy into changing just one aspect of their behavior.

Start small

There’s is literally nothing more daunting and demotivating than being faced with a huge task. Let’s take improving your fitness as an example, just thinking about it down makes it feel somewhat impossible. So, start by breaking it down into smaller and more tangible to-dos, like go for a jog twice a week, develop a healthy weekly menu plan, walk to work, instead of catching the bus, etc. Then set one main to-do for each week that is related to your fitness goal. All the steps are then visible from the beginning, so it’s clear the path you need to take.

Keep track of your progress

It’s very important to know where you’re heading and to make a note of your progress on the way. Tracking your goals (complete with Due Dates and Reminders) helps to maintain momentum and can help to ward off disillusionment. Plus there is nothing more satisfying than checking off your to-dos along the way.

Ask for support

Once you’ve set out all the steps you need to take to smash your new year’s resolution, try sharing your list with a trusted friend or loved one. Not only will you be ten times more likely to stick to your resolutions, they’ll also be able to help keep you honest, provide moral support and be there to celebrate with you, when you accomplish your goals.

Write down a Checklist 

  • Measure yourself (not only by scale, but also with your tapeline)
  • Although esp. at the beginning its difficult, but essential: make some ‘before’-selfies (just for you!! – you´ll be very proud of yourself how far you come!!)
  • Set your goals
  • Write down your goals
  • Identify and choose only one resolution and focus
  • Break down your goals into small steps
  • Include some motivational rewards – you deserve it! What are the requirements to earn that reward? New athletic apparel? A new haircut ? Keep it in budget, but it should be something you can get excited about.
  • Start tracking (if you need a good template, I would choose one of the following: [MOLESKINE WELLNESS JOURNAL] or [FITBOOK by FITLOSOPHY]. You canalso keep tracking on your personalized app [FITAPP] for android or IOS.
  • Focus on your goal by illustration your look after reaching your goal and by imagination of your new body feeling - in case of a athletic resolution. You´ll find a lot of motivational pics on [Pinterest]
  • Review your progress
  • Sign up for participation in a sporting event
  • Don´t forget to be too strict, if you get off course. Review what happened and jump back on track!!



Saturday, November 23, 2013

Weight is just a number

But how could that be? As it turns out, this “she” is a “we!”  We all know this story. “She” did a 45 minute spin class after work yesterday that left her gasping for air and absolutely drenched in sweat.  “She” is angrily thinking "How on earth did I gain a pound?!" But wait. Remember back to 1 minute ago before she got on that scale?  She was secretly admiring herself in the mirror and noticing progress. She felt some sense of satisfaction that the hard work was paying off! What happened to that feeling? It's just magically erased now because some stupid little machine spit out a number that you, I mean ”she”, didn't want to see?!

Allow me let you in on a little secret. That number is just a number and it does not mean anything.  It doesn't define you, it doesn't represent your worth, and here's the best part: no one else will ever know what that number is unless you tell them.  For all you know, other people could think you weigh 10 lbs less than you actually do!  And if they did, would that matter? No! It wouldn't magically make you weigh 10 lbs less. It's just a perception. How you feel should be only the thing that matters, right? Do your clothes fit? Are you healthy? Do you feel confident in your own skin? If you answer yes to those questions, but for some crazy reason that dreaded number controls how you ultimately measure your progress, then maybe, just maybe, you should back away from the scale. What if you just took a week off from the morning ritual of weighing yourself?  Or, gasp, 30 days?  Or even crazier, what if you threw the scale away?

Here's the thing, ladies. Our weight (the actual number of lbs we weigh on a given day) is influenced by more factors than you can even imagine much less begin to control. Maybe you did sweat your butt off at spin class and maintain a disciplined eating regimen over the last few days but you were also super stressed out about that upcoming presentation you have to make in front of your boss which sent your cortisol levels soaring and in turn abruptly halted any weight loss success. Maybe you are ovulating. Maybe you are retaining water because that soy sauce at your amazing sushi dinner had enough sodium for an entire week. Regardless of what it is, there are more things affecting your weight that you can't control than things you can control.  So why not just let it go and find a new way to benchmark your progress. What about measuring yourself with a good old fashioned tape measure? Because let me tell you–those numbers are real.

Or what about just eating clean and working out and learning to love the body you were given. Your body does a lot for you. It allows you to kill it in your yoga class, take those long Sunday strolls and SO much more. Maybe instead of hating your weight you can spend some time thanking your body for all that it does. Someday, you will look back and wish you had been grateful for how you looked. Someday you will think, whoa, I wish I would have enjoyed the days of wearing short shorts. Because, damn girl, you looked good! But you were too busy obsessing over how much you weighed to actually enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Bottom line is that we are so incredibly hard on ourselves. Let's find ways to ease up. Ways to be grateful to and forgiving of ourselves. Maybe the first step for you is to learn a new way to measure your health. Who knows what will follow? Let's not get crazy.

(zoom: click here)

(zoom: click here)

The images, taken by photographer Howard Schatz for his 2002 book, Athlete, recently resurfaced, reminding us of the diversity of women's bodies.
Schatz interviewed and photographed hundreds of athletes for the book, a project he says was inspired by his interest in human variation and the musculoskeletal system. "I was also interested in passion," he told the Huffington Post in a phone interview. "I was interested in what got them to do this. Because to become a champion, you have to put away so many things in life."
During his interviews, Schatz noted very little difference between how the male and female athletes approached their sport. "I found that [the women in the project] were simply athletes," he told HuffPost. "Their commitment, their focus in life, their goals for winning and championship were not different from the men's. [T]here wasn't a feminine focus, a feminine ambition."

Stay healthy and stay strong!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Back to business

I'm back to Germany after my 3-weeks trip to Boston and New York.

On the one hand I'm sad, because this time had flown so fast. I had really a great time in the States, met so many nice people who became good friends and -as you all know - I reached my most ambitious fitness goal ever: my participation in the BAA Half Marathon on October 13.

On the other side, it's also a good feeling to be home again in a familiar surrounding.

Did you know, that Christmas is closing in very fast....? Or to be more precisely: today in 8 weeks!!

In the Christmas season I'll be off to Chamonix, France for a cozy 4-days skiing vacation at Montblanc with my fiancé. We'll stay in a new hotel next to the mountain with a lovely spa!!

As this 8 weeks are a manageable period, I will come back and keep intense focus on my nutrition and training plan as before.

Although I didn't gained any weight during my US trip, I want to lose more weight.

In the last few months I lost 10 kg (20 lbs) so far, but that's not enough. I want to reach my finish weight until upcoming summer 2014.... 15 more kg (30 lbs) to go.

As promised I'll post more information and pictures of receipes, progress and training moves.

I wish you all a happy Monday...

Let's do it!!

Stay healthy and eat clean.

Thirteen Point One Miles - I DID IT!!

My dear follower,

as already announced, on October 13 I did my most ambitious goal ever..... I finished my first half marathon!

It was really an amazing feeling and I highly recommend to everybody to make the same experience...... but take a look on the following pics, which I won´t keeping back from you:

I´m so proud of myself!

Take care and set also some ambitious goals! They are really worth to work for!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Running - Cheaper than a therapy

Dear follower,

as promised, here are some pics of my 10K run, which I did last Sunday.

There´s also a finisher clip of my way directly to the finish line... I just have to puzzle how to implement it on this page....(as soon as I solve it, I´ll update this page)

Stay healthy & keep running!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nothing worth comes easy

My dear followers,

it´s been an age since my last post.... but there´s one busy day after another: As a full-time worker, commuter, distance-learner (in economics, just if you ask), fiancée, daughter, friend and - of course - fitness girl, there isn´t plenty of time of leisure.

As you all know, there´s planned some highlights this year, which are just around the corner:

After the Color Run at the end of June, the next running event called 'Einstein Marathon' (regarding the birth town of Albert Einstein, Ulm at the Danube) will be at this Sunday. My distance will be a 10K-run.
I hope, the photographer will catch a nice pic of me....stay tuned on facebook.

But this run will be just a 'take-away', because currently I´m in the training of my first half marathon.
As mentioned in this post, I´m registrated in the 13th B.A.A. Boston Half Marathon, which take place on Oct 13. I haven´t a special finish time goal, I just want to finish... .and: I want to have a finisher medal.... 

Doesn´t it looks beautiful? I´m curious of the look of this year.

But - to be really honest - on the one side I get a little bit scared shitless of the 13.1 miles - that´s a distance I never ever have ran in my life. But on the other side, there´s a little thrill of anticipation of being a part of this community.

In just a few days I´ll be a part of it!! WHOOHOOO!!

And finally.......I promise you some changes here in my blog after my return:
  • I´ll post more frequently
  • I´ll show you more pics of my training, my progress, my nutrition, my daily life and other healthy stuff.
  • I´ll post some healthy receipts (certainly CLEAN EATING) ...
    ...the Christmas season is just around the corner, but there´s also healthy stuff, too!! Be surprised!

The reasons for this changes are simple - I lost 10 kg (20 lbs) so far. I´m nearly halfway through and I´m feeling now more comfortable in my body. There´s no need anymore for ducking out of sight.... and I want to focus you to involve more in my progress.

Cross your fingers for me for both competitions!

From Oct 4, I´ll be in Boston, MA and I´ll come back home on Oct 25. In the meantime (if I could catch a few moments of my status update) stay tuned on my facebook-page!

Stay healthy & tuned!

Friday, July 26, 2013

ADRENALINE - You´ll have to take me to the finish line (10K & 13.1 miles)

Some years ago, I have never been thinking to run or even in participation at a half marathon. Every time when I even think about going for a run, I came up with plenty of reasons not to go. The alarm goes off and instead of hopping out of bed, I rolled over. Or coming home from a long day at work and instead of a rejuvenating run, I grabbed some junk food head and sat on the couch in front of the TV. To be honestly, I really hated to run. It felt so uncomfortable for me and it didn´t make sense to me for a stupid and boring run.

Nearly exactly 3,5 years ago I went with my bf to an outlet shop for sport apparel and equipment. To give my own bastard a small kick into the ass, I rummaged for some sport shoes. There were a lot of Reebok Easytone and some Asics Running Shoes there. After trying some of them I decided to buy the best shoes which fits. (without consultation an sales staff). I chose the Asics Blackhawk 3
I paid –if I can remember- something 50 € (rd. $66 ). It´s an entry-level shoe for beginner.
via google
They were really comfortable, but –honestly- the most of the time they were in the shoe rack. Okay, once or no more than twice a month they saw the daylight.

Two years ago I started fitness walking with my dad – every Sunday for a course of 5 km (7 miles). Last year I did Zumba with these shoes. They were good enough for my on-off-sport.
This year in April I bought two pair of NIKE Free Shoes – they were perfect for a walk or for doing some bootcamp sessions. (read here), but not running!!

But since a few months I run regularly (2-3 times a week) and I felt more and more uncomfortable in my ASICS shoes. Regarding my overpronation (Pronation is how a runner's foot rolls laterally between footfall and toe-off - overpronation is when it rolls inwards)  in my shoes, I have special insole by BOOTDOC for my skiing and hiking shoes.  
via google research
I tried to wear them additional in my ASICS running shoes. That was in March this year. This was the time of my first long run (nearly 10K = 6 miles). I would have done a longer run, but unfortunately I got a blister on my feet due to the chafing insole. Without these insole there was distressing running - without any fun.

My decision was made: I have to buy some new shoes, if I want to conquer the streets in September with the 10K-Distance and the 21K-Distance in Boston in October with an acceptable time and not crawling on all fours into the finish.

Yesterday I went to the Run2-Shop by Runnerspoint in my home town (Ulm), where I got a really good expert advice by two of the sales staff (which have professional experience in high-performance sport for nearly 15 years!) – including a video analysis on the treadmill with different running shoes.

On the short list, there was the NIKE Lunarglide 5+ (as I´m addicted to NIKE), the ASICS GT 2000 and the BROOKS Adrenaline GTS 13.

I started with my old shoes on the treadmill with my old one. It was really visible in the slow motion, how extremely I cave in (reasonable with my pronation) in my running process.

Afterwards I tried the ASICS GT 2000. It´s the latest model in the award-winning GEL-2000 series. 

Naturally it continues to deliver impressive comfort and fit for overpronators. The new Guidance Trusstic is designed to work with the Guidance Line along the outsole. Together they encourage a more efficient gait, guiding your foot from heel strike to toe-off, while also giving support to the midfoot.
Also new in the GT-2000 is the Dynamic DuoMax Support System, a dual density midsole with a softer top layer for more sensory feedback and added comfort.
This model contains Gender Specific Cushioning, a softer top layer of the Solyte dual density midsole, designed to enhance cushioning and comfort for women.
The lightweight Hotmelt upper, containing less stitches and less potential for irritation, improves comfort. With its excellent cushioning and fit, the GT-2000 is perfect for longer runs.

The difference was enormous. I realized that I ran so long with the wrong shoes. The sales consultant said, that I´m a lucky girl of not getting injured.

The next shoes I tried my (optical) favourite shoes …The NIKE Lunarglide 5+ Running Shoe!
YES, I´m a woman… and I´m also take a look at the optic of something (and maybe without focusing on the functunality…*smile* ). 

The seamless single-layer mesh upper with ultra-strong Flywire threads delivers a superior fit and feel, offering ventilation and support where you need it most. For an adaptive, glove-like fit, the updated Flywire wraps the midfoot and arch and integrates with the lace loops, tightening for a closer fit and reduced pressure on the top ridge of the foot. Dynamic Support provides just the stability you need without the added weight or stiffness of a traditional medial post. A floating heel clip moves with the foot to add another level of support, moderating excessive rearfoot pronation.
The shoe's Lunarlon cushioning features a soft yet resilient foam core encased within a supportive foam carrier for lightweight, ultra-plush cushioning and springy response.
Unfortunately the stability wasn´t as good as the ASICS I tried before. If I want to be successful with my 10K and 21K-Run, I shouldn´t buy these nice…lovely….beautiful.....NIKE Lunarglide… aarrgghh!

The second sales consultant took my over the store and showed me some BROOKS shoes with nearly the same features as the ASICS does. It was the BROOKS Adrenaline GTS 13.

Lucky 13 is our best Adrenaline GTS yet. It was paid special attention to the underfoot flex by adding Omega Flex Grooves and continuing Omni Grooves in the forefoot, allowing the outsole to bend and shape naturally. Continuing with the tradition of a tailored fit, stretch eyelets lock into the medial side to capture the foot better and technologies like Flextra and anatomical Brooks DNA deliver customized stability and cushion.
The magazine Runner´s World called the GTS 13 a “classic stability shoe”, and quoted one wear tester as saying, “it’s soft enough that you can feel the road surface below, but there’s enough padding that you don’t feel as though you're running on concrete blocks.”

In directly comparison with both shoes (on the left with ASICS, on the right with BROOKS) the video analysis on the treadmill showed, that the BROOKS supports my feets better in view of my overpronation.

Additional to my purchase I bought some new running socks by X-SOCKS. 

The combination of cushioning zones and ventilation channels, these socks are particularly good for middle and long-distance runs. The cushioning on the instep and on the heel dissipates the impact and shockwaves that are created with every step you take. The patented Lambertz-Nicholson Achilles Tendon Protector™ envelops the sensitive tendons in a recessed area which functions as a support to protect against the risk of chafing and abrasions from the top of the shoe. The integrated ventilation channels of the Traverse AirFlow Channel Systems™ on the soles and the AirCool Stripes™ on the instep continue to let fresh air circulate freely in the shoe.
Thank you Oli and Toni (the consultants) for your 1,5h extraordinary support – especially over the regularly opening hours. 

In the end I´m not sad anymore that I didn´t choose the NIKE Running Shoes.

I struck a compromise: even if the shoes from NIKE weren´t suit on my feets, the apparel does!!

Now I´m geared up to do the battle of 10K and 21K….. let the training begin….. :o)

If you like I can give you my review of my new shoes after some runs. They will be break in.. VERY SOON..!!

Stay healthy and tuned !
(All text with italic format are quoted from the original website of the producer).

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Run like you stole something

As my facebook follower received this pre-information of yesterday evening, there is another announcement of a cornerstone on my way of getting back into the best shape of my life.

You know, I did the COLOR RUN 5K-Challenge in Munich on 30th June, which was really a colorful and funny event (although I catched a cold some days before). In this post some days ago you can read my summary. 

My next Running Event is planned in Ulm (my home town) on 29th September with 10K
It´s called 'Einstein Marathon' regarding the birth town of Albert Einstein.
Einstein Marathon in Ulm (with the tallest church of the world in background)
I already signed in last year for the event of last year but unfortunately I didn´t focus on my training and had so much excuses… So I transferred my participation to this year. 

As mentioned, the B.A.A. (Boston Athletic Association) opened yesterday their registration for the upcoming Half Marathon on 13th October. Whereas I´m on-site in this time I studied the pros and cons of participation/non-participation…. Until the last minute before the opening! 
I know, that I´m not a professional runner (not fast and no long distance). On a sunny Sunday morning in March this year I woke up, fastened my running shoes and ran…. Ran without heart rate monitor, without time- and distance goal. The weather was nearly perfect and at the end I did 9,7 km (rd. 6 miles). This was my longest distance so far!

Picture of one of last year´s BAA Half Marathon event (internet fund)

I couldn´t imagine the picture of being in Boston without participation and seeing the happy finisher while standing next to other viewer.

The registration open was announced for 10:00 a.m. EST / 4 o´clock CET. 
I stick a big post-it label into my diary and set the alarm in my mobile phone for not forgetting this date.

Afterwards it seemed that this was the best idea. The field-size is only for 7,500 runner and they advised to fill out the registration form VERY QUICK! Some of these was already hold by distance medley participants (medley is the BAA 5K, 10K and half), who could signed up for all three earlier this year.

I want to have one of these medals
It closed in record time of 12 minutes, as the field size limit has been reached!!! Last year happened this at 55 minutes and the year before at 2 hours.

I´m a lucky girl to register in time, but I had to wait until getting the acceptance mail.
Nearly every few minutes I scrolled down my iPhone for updating my inbox. :o)

Round about 4 ½ hours later I got the redemptive mail: 
I`M IN…!!!! 
Whooo hoooo!!

Therefore: the progress of my participation in Running Events in this year will added by one more cornerstone. 5K, 10K and now also 21K (13.1 miles).

But – to be honest – I´m a little bit scared of this participation. The longest run I ever made was nearly 10K… and in 12 weeks I have to run the double distance!!

It´s now time to train with a huge aspiration, if I want to reach the finish line without crawling on all fours. :o)
But as John Bingham said: "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."! 

Additional to this training I don´t forget to follow my nutrition plan and my weight lifting plan…(see here) :o)

This new cornerstone will be the best motivation and the best fat burner for me for reaching my goals: enter fit, shaped and healthy with a lighter weight the plane to USA for a lovely time in Boston and New York City!!
Do you have any running competitions planned this year or did already some of them?