Saturday, January 11, 2014

Summer bodys are made in winter (Summary January 4-10th)

As I announced in my last post, in 3 months on April 4, I´ll be a thirty-one-year-old lady...

Three months.... this space is exactly 90 days (13 weeks). As you read in my New Year Resolutions, for reaching successfully your goals you have to break your goal into small steps.
As mine is to reach a healthy body shape, I think the first step is to focus on these ninety days.....90 days are a reasonable time frame and enough time for a visible body change.

I took also initially some before-pictures of my body, I weighed and measured myself.

As a summary, the most time of my nutrition was on target. I didn´t had any cheat meal - that´s the point I´m very proud of. :o)

On my facebook site, I posted some HOW TO DO - receipes:

As also mentioned, I bought some new sport apparel - new post is in progress.... stay tuned!

But I have to be honest, I have to strengthen my will and to do more workout. The everyday work had a lock on me last week :-( After finishing my work at 8.30 pm after a long day I didn´t have any power for some training. But only with the combination of workout AND the right nutrition I will succeed.

What do you think about my HOW TO DO - receipes? Do you like it?

Stay healthy and eat clean!

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